Beijing Events

Startup Grind Beijing Hosts Steven Hoffman (Founders Space) | 三月活动

Mar 13 18:30 pm - 22:00 pm
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RMB 100, RMB 80 (advance, buy before March 12th)

In Silicon Valley, Steven Hoffman is known as Captain Hoff. He’s the Captain and Chairman of Founders Space, where he has educated and trained hundreds of startup founders and corporate executives in the art of innovation.

Always innovating on his life, Hoffman has tried more professions than cats have lives, including serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist, angel investor, mobile studio head, computer engineer, filmmaker, Hollywood TV exec, published author, coder, game designer, manga rewriter, animator and voice actor.

As a boy Hoffman dreamed of making movies and games. He created over 50 short films and 80 games before graduating high school. Pursuing his passions, he earned a BS in Computer Engineering from UC Santa Barbara and a Masters in Cinema Television from USC.

His first job in Hollywood was reading TV scripts, but he quickly rose to development executive. Moving to Japan, he went on to work at Sega, where his group collaborated with Hollywood on interactive movies and games.

Upon returning to Silicon Valley, Hoffman founded LavaMind, which produced dozens of online and mobile games, as well as designed digital products for Disney, Qualcomm, Intel, MetLife and Sesame Workshop.

Hoffman launched Spiderdance, his second startup, producing interactive TV shows for MTV, NBC, Warner Brothers, TBS, Sony and A&E. At the same time, Hoffman helped found the Academy of Television’s Interactive Media Group and the Producers Guild New Media Council.

After writing a book on game design, Hoffman joined Infospace, as their North American Studio Head, where he ran US mobile games. Hoffman then cofounded three venture funded startups focused on media, games and entertainment.

Today, Hoffman heads Founders Space and works with entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and investors in 22 countries to create innovations that rock the world!

在硅谷史提芬·霍夫曼被人称作为霍夫船长。他是创始人空间(Founders Space)的船长和主席,在那里他教育和培训数以百计的初创企业创始人以及大企业的高层管理人员来如何进行创新。


当他还是个孩子的时候,霍夫曼就梦想要拍摄电影和制作游戏。当他高中毕业的时候他已经创作了50多部短片并设计了80款游戏。追寻他自己内心的冲动,他在加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(UC Santa Barbara)获得了计算机工程的学士学位,然后又在南加利福尼亚大学(USC)获得了电影电视的硕士学位。


回到硅谷后,霍夫曼创立了LavaMind,这家公司制作了数十款不同的在线和移动游戏,并为迪斯尼、高通、英特尔、大都会人寿保险公司(MetLife)以及芝麻街工作室(Sesame Workshop)设计了数字产品。

在这之后他创立了Spiderdance,这是他的第二家创业公司。这家公司为MTV、美国全国广播公司(NBC)、华纳兄弟公司、日本TBS电视台、索尼以及艺术&娱乐网络(A&E)制作了互动电视节目。在这同时,霍夫曼还帮助成立了互动电视媒体集团学会(Academy of Television’s Interactive Media Group)以及制片人协会新媒体理事会(Producers Guild New Media Council.)。



About Founders Space

Founders Space is the world’s leading Global Incubator + Accelerator. With over 50 partners in 22 countries, it has built an international startup community. Founders Space is ranked a Top 10 Incubator in Forbes and Inc. Magazine.

创始人空间被公司杂志(Inc. Magazine)列为排名前10的孵化器,被福布斯杂志(Forbes Magazine)列为海外来到硅谷的初创企业首选的加速器

地点 | Location: 北京市朝阳区工体北路四号机电院内80office三层科技寺(三里屯Lounge店), TechTemple (Sanlitun Lounge), Third Floor of 80 office , No. 4 Gongti North Road - Nearest Metro Station: Line 10:Tuanjiehu Exit D。


Startup Grind Beijing Hosts Steven Hoffman (Founders Space)| 三月活动
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