The 16th of 24 solar is characterised by the Automn Equinow, or Qiūfēn/秋分, which also means that Chinese Mid Autumn Festival is approaching. When the day comes, the day-time and the night-time are the same. Moreover, in the ancient times, chinese people were assimiliated the Moon as a God and were preparing many food and sacrifices. But do you know why we eat "Moon"cake then? Scroll through the screen to learn more!
This little cake, called Yuèbǐng/月饼 is the symbolic sugary snack that is enjoyed all-year-round but makes a firm appearance during the lead up to and during the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节). We will introuce you to this Festival, which falls on August 15th regarding the Chinese Lunar calendar, because this day is the full moon.
You could fill your mooncake with planty of delicious flavors, such as lotus paste, bean paste, but also with 5 different cereals ! Cook them, and eat them!
After making those mooncakes, did you think you were going away without a present? It is not so. You will have the chance to make lanterns made with ... oranges! Original, do not you think?
Come and celebrate with us the Mid Autumn Festival arrival on September 23, 7-9pm!