On Sunday, February 19th, we’re welcoming to our beer menu the latest rendition of our flagship beer, the Honey Ma Saison. Join us on Sunday, February 19th, at Great Leap Original #6 as we discuss Confucius and his immense impact on everything from education to governance. In order to properly commemorate the release of our Honey Ma Saison, we’ve invited venerable barroom pontificator, Jeremiah Jenne, to Great Leap #6 for another round of Drinking in History. Obviously, Du Fu and Confucius are figures of monumental importance, so for this session, we’re focusing strictly on the latter.
Drinking in History begins at 12:30pm at the courtyard. Spots are 80 RMB for Collectivists, 100 RMB for friends, and include a pour of both the Honey Ma Black and the Honey Ma Saison. Email jimmy@greatleapbrewing.com to reserve a seat.