With great pride, Stevie Mac & the Mac Daddies, in partnership with Homeplate BBQ and Giving A Beat, present Holiday Sounds: a charity concert to raise funds for Bethel China and Agape Family Life House, non-profit organizations dedicated to supporting orphans with disabilities. An all-star line up of bands will perform Disney and Holiday songs, as well as other family-appropriate music. The event is free, but donations will be accepted at the door and you'll have a chance to participate in an auction for some amazing donated items! Bring the kids down for an afternoon of family fun, gift bags, sing-alongs, and even a visit from Santa! Enjoy food and drink deals throughout the event, including a whole hog buffet with all the sides and fixins for 125rmb. For information about making a donation or becoming a sponsor, contact Stevie Mac (WeChat ID: themacdaddies)!
Hosted by:
The Hunters & The Groove Collective front woman Tash Jamieson
Homeplate BBQ
Giving A Beat
Bethel China
Agape Family Life House
Stevie Mac & the Mac Daddies
The Hunters
The Game Gurus
Jing Sing
20,000 RMB