Beginner Hoop dance workshop by the Hooping Heroines!
(Caution: hoop dancing is highly addictive!)
Hoop dance is definitely NOT the same as this favored childhood activity called ‘hula hooping’. While hula hooping means circling the hoop around your waist, Hoop dancing is a full body workout that not only gives you that flat tummy we all desire. Hoop dancing proves to give you as many physical benefits as benefits for your mind and spirit as well! This workshop will be taught in Chinese and English.
Our Workshops called ‘Inspiring Spirals’ as a serie, are specially designed for total beginners. In these workshops we will focus on teaching waist hooping and a few other tricks, so dont hesitate to participate even if you don't know how to hulahoop. Anyone can do it!
Inspired as you definitely will be after this first workshop, you’ll be inspired to learn more! Register now and reserve a hoop, don’t hesitate! Full = full!
Contact information:
Telephone: 18210017271 WeChat : ninisnowy
Email: thehoopheroines@gmail.com
Location: Be Active gym, Chaoyang district, no 6 Chaowaidajie, Chaowai Soho Building C, room 0161A, 0162A
必爱体,朝阳区,朝外大街6号朝外Soho – C座0161A,0162A室。
Date: December 4
Time: 14:30 – 16:30
Price: 200 rmb pp (to be paid in advance)