Beijing Events

Les Olympics

Multiple dates 19:00 pm - 22:00 pm Toggle calendar
Event QR Code
RMB 20

There will be four events over the course of four months, in various locations. The third event is a quiz night at Chill bar, and the fourth one a Twister night at 8-Bit.

May 14: Quiz at Chill bar

June 11: Twister at 8-Bit

All teams will have four to six members for the Quiz night. If you don’t have a team or are a group of fewer than four you can still register and they will happily help you find additional players to create your perfect team. Teams should register sending an email to and give the names, emails, phone numbers of your members, and name of your team. They can also directly use the link on their phone. Participation costs RMB 20 per person.

Winners of each event will win prizes from sponsors: QMex, TOIS, Ron Mexico, Mas, Hotcat, 8-Bit, Adam's, Chill Bar and Diversity


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