The Shuangjing Block Party is one of the BEST outdoor community events of the year! If you have never been then it is a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy some of the very best food and beverages from across Beijing and get together with friends and family in a unique setting in the heart of the city.
This is the fourth annual Shuangjing Block Party and the event just keeps getting bigger and better. There will be beer, wine and cocktails, as well as juices and other beverages to wet your whistle and some of the best BBQ and other great food to stuff your face with! Come and enjoy one of the best outdoor parties of the year in Beijing and have some fun at the Shuangjing Block Party.
The vendor booths open at 1:00pm and stay open until about 7:00pm. Plenty of time to get your food and drink on! See you at the Shuangjing Block Party!