Tianchu Miaoxiang, which opened in 2003, is dedicated to making meat-free dishes to promote healthy diets and humanitarianism. The menu is well-organized and extensive. The menu mainly focuses on Chinese dishes, but also serves vegetarian pizza, “steak” and pasta made from beancurd, gluten, and mushrooms. Suzhong sanwei (素中三味) – a “three flavor” combination of sausage, fish and duck – is a perfect example of Buddhist mock meat dish. Another one is heijiao niuliu (黑椒牛柳), the most popular dish. This is a fillet of “beef” sauteed with green and red bell peppers with a wonderful black pepper sauce. We were curious about the South Pole algae salad (姜汁南极藻 jiangzhi nanjizao) tossed in balsamic dressing, and found that the seaweed has a crunchy texture akin to jellyfish. There are numerous other dishes worth trying: pumpkin steamed with lilies and ginko (福果百合蒸南瓜fuguo baihe zheng nangua), taro with pumpkin casserole (香芋南瓜煲 xiangyu nangua bao), seared mushrooms with hot chilies on hot iron plate (铁板米椒杏鲍菇 tieban mijiao xingbaogu), and dry-wok bamboo shoots (干锅青笋 ganguo qingsun).English menu available.
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