Richang offers a quick Cantonese meal – the food is plentiful and the prices are cheap. The restaurant is best known for its claypot rice casseroles; each is enough to feed three to four people. The most popular are lawei paigu bao, a sausage/sparerib casserole, and lawei huaji bao, a sausage/chicken casserole. We highly recommended their stir-fried rice noodles with beef (干炒牛河ganchao niuhe), which has what the Cantonese praise as “wok hee” (锅气) – a way of saying the dish has “wok soul,” or is delicious. Also outstanding are the roasted goose and lu doufu, an aromatic beancurd served with pungent white vinegar. Everything about Richang is loud and busy; pop music is playing, the television is on, and the names of dishes are splattered on colored paper sheets pasted on the walls. To add to the color, the wait staff are decked out in uniforms of bright red, yellow and green. Even if you dine here alone, you won’t feel lonely.
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