Mitao will surprise even ardent fans of southwest Chinese cuisine. The shaojiao xiaopidan (烧椒小皮蛋 RMB 25) presents diners with dozens of hundred-year quail eggs, their unique flavor smartly adjusted by soft and juicy bell peppers. Next, order two bowls of steamed rice. Combine one with the sugarcane seedlings salad (凉拌甘蔗苗 RMB 22), garnished with mint and scallion and served with a sauce that sweetens the seedlings nicely. Pair the second bowl of rice with the sophisticated fragrance and flossy texture of banana blossoms stir-fried with minced beef (香蕉花牛肉沫 RMB 29). Unfortunately, the glutinous dumplings boiled in coconut milk (椰浆煮汤圆 RMB 18) are as small as pearls; opt for the more traditional stir-fried version (毕节酸菜炒汤圆 RMB 28).
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