theBeijinger staff WILL NOT contact you on WeChat directly regarding your classified ads without other means of confirmation, either before or after the intial contact.
Were we willing to be in touch on social media, we would first take contact optionally via private message on theBeijinger and in all cases by email coming from an address @thebeijinger.com or @truerun.com

theBeijinger staff may contact you about your ad every now and then via WeChat.
To confirm the validity of a WeChat contact, please send an email to sticky@thebeijinger.com with details.

Place Classified Ad

Choose the Classified Ad type you want to post:

General Classified Ad

Looking to buy or sell something? Want to find an activity partner? Planning some travel? Click here to post any general Classified Ads

Housing Classified Ad

Are you looking for an apartment to rent? Maybe you're looking to buy a courtyard? How about a new roommate? Click here to post any housing related Classified Ads

Employment Classified Ad

Are you looking for a job? Is your company looking to hire someone? Maybe you want to volunteer? Click here to post any employment related Classified Ads

Posting classifieds on TheBeijinger.com is a free service and this section is designed to be useful to our readers. Please understand that the local regulatory climate obliges us to moderate any and all submitted content to this site and we literally comb through well-over a thousand classified ads a day.

In order to help maintain the quality of our classifieds content and to ensure the effectiveness of this platform for submitters and readers, please bear the following points in mind:
  1. It takes time for us to moderate and approve classifieds ads. We strive to moderate all submitted ads within 24-48 hours of their submission, but understand that it can take longer depending on the day of the week (i.e. Saturday and Sunday), holidays and other circumstances. If you have submitted an ad and do not see it approved within a few hours, please bear this in mind and wait – unless you give us reason to disapprove it, your ad will appear in due time. Ads will only be approved in the order they appear in the moderation queue - please do not call in asking for us to approve your ad early.
  2. No Spam. Period. If you are a spambot peddling fake Viagra or “work-from-home” jobs, or claim to be a Nigerian prince or captain in the US Marines in desperate need of a cash remittance, we will disapprove and block your IP faster than you can say “Pyramid Scheme.”
  3. Categorize correctly. Please do not post your housing ad in “Seeking Employment” or advertise your “Visa Consultation Service” in the personals. If we’re feeling generous, we’ll help you re-categorize it, but do this repeatedly or post the same ad in multiple, non-relevant categories, and we will disapprove your ads, block your username and, if necessary, your IP address.
  4. No repeated posts. Do not post the same ad over and over again – we will delete all the duplicates, including ones posted in separate sections. Do not post the same ad over and over again – we will delete all the duplicates, including ones posted in separate sections. Do not post the same ad over and over again – we will delete all the duplicates, including ones posted in separate sections. (Get the picture on how annoying this can be?)
  5. Post in English. While we do allow non-English text in ads, it is important to remember that the target audience of this site is English speakers in Beijing and beyond. You’ll find it helpful if a reader can actually understand your ad. Bilingual ads are acceptable, but please note that ads posted entirely in a non-English language will not be approved.
  6. Personal ads should not contain any personal contact information (i.e. addresses and phone numbers, although including an e-mail address is fine). Do yourself a favor and use common sense when composing your ads to help avoid stalkers, weirdos and general creeps from contacting you.
  7. Post ads cleanly and clearly. We suggest you keep your classified short and to the point – a poorly written ad reflects poorly on the poster. Note that we also don’t allow profanity, pornography or inflammatory content of any kind in the classifieds. Do so and we will block your user name and IP; if you post something even more abhorrent we will report you to the authorities and you might find yourself being given a personalized tour of the Beijing penal system or a one-way ticket home.
  8. Save the kinky ads for Craigslist. You are welcome to use the classifieds to find people interested in relationships and dating, but please do not use the personals to explicitly post ads soliciting one-night stands, extramarital affairs, threesomes etc. – we consider this site “PG13” and definitely not “XXX” – and will disapprove ads that we deem too racy.
  9. We appreciate the value your ads bring to our website, but ask that you please limit your postings to separate properties rather than a string of ads for the same property under various headings. "Please see Note 4 (above). All classifieds ads are moderated and there is now no limit on the number of classifieds you can post, however we reserve the right to delete your posts and block your account if we deem it necessary because you are abusing the system." We are also aware that you can (and often will) post under multiple user names, which we can trace by your IP address. Please be aware that we actively disapprove any and all real estate ads posted by agents attempting to disguise themselves via multiple user names. Also, a word of advice: Posting fake photos that are not of the actual apartment described in your ad does not help your credibility in the eyes of a prospective client – a little honesty goes a long way.
  10. A special note to language schools offering teaching positions: The same rules apply to you as well – (see notes 4 and 9, above) if you abuse the system then we will delete your posts and reserve the right to block your account. Aso take heed if you are a Visa Consulting Service or Satellite TV provider.
  11. A special note to disgruntled former employees of language schools: The classifieds section is not the appropriate place to air your grievances with a former employer – we will disapprove any and all rants we encounter.
  12. A special note to prostitutes posing as “massage services”: Believe it or not, no matter how you package or disguise your ads, we can very easily tell if you’re legit or not (especially if you’re trying posting pictures of Japanese AV stars as your photo). Submitters for ads in the “Beauty & Massage” must fax us a copy of their business license (fax line: 5820 7895) and their ads can only include a landline (no outcall-only cell phone numbers, please). “Massage” services that are on an outcall basis only will be disapproved. We reserve the right to delete and disapprove any ads that we suspect of being solicitations for prostitution. If you have issue with this, please refer to item number 8.
  13. The Beijinger does not permit the posting of fraudulent classifieds that intend to scam users out of money and possessions, or cause any physical or emotional harm. Users should be aware that we do not have the time or resources to check every ad and so should exercise the utmost caution when replying to advertisements. We strongly recommend that you never send money or provide bank details to users you do not know. To that end, the Beijinger does not take any responsibility for any user that may encounter such behavior but will remove all related content and block any users considered to have acted in a nefarious manner.

If you have a question or concern about a specific ad, please e-mail listings@thebeijinger.com.





  1. 分类广告需要一定的时间进行审核才能通过 我们力争在分类广告提交后24至48小时之内审核完毕,但请您谅解我们需要更长的时间如遇周末、法定节假日或其他不可抗力因素来审核并通过您的广告。如果您在提交广告数小时后未见其发布,请您耐心等待,您的广告会在规定时间内发布,除非您告知我们取消发布。分类广告需要按照待审核广告列表中的顺序进行审核,为确保公平,请勿要求我们提前为您通过。
  2. 禁止垃圾信息 如果您兜售假冒伪劣的“伟哥”或提供所谓“在家工作”之类的信息,或是声称您是尼日利亚王子、美国海军陆战队上尉急需现金汇款,我们将毫不犹豫地在您说这是“非法传销”之前否决您的广告并屏蔽您的IP地址。
  3. 请您将广告正确归类 请您不要将您的房地产广告投放到“寻找工作”一栏内,或将“签证服务”广告投放到“个人广告”中。如果认为必要我们会帮助您纠正错误并重新正确归类,但倘若您重复地错误归类或将同一条广告投放到多个不相关的类别中,您的广告将不予通过,如果情节严重,我们会屏蔽您的用户名,在必要的情况下,我们将会屏蔽您的IP地址。
  4. 请勿重复投放广告 请勿将统一广告重复投放,我们将否决所有重复广告,包括投放到不同分类目录下的同一广告。
  5. 请使用英文 我们允许您在广告中使用其他语言,但请您理解我们的主要目标客户是在京英语使用者。多语言广告是允许的,但请注意若广告内容完全为非英语语言,您的广告将不予通过。
  6. 个人广告中不得含有个人联系方式 邮箱、电话号码等信息是不能在“个人广告”中刊登的,请您在写作广告时运用常识以帮助您避免奇怪的人、高谈阔论者和谄媚者(不怀好意者)的骚扰。
  7. 广告内容务必清晰且合法 我们建议您的广告短小而一箭中的,内容不充分的广告只能产生有限的效果。请您注意我们不会允许含有任何形式的侮辱、色情或煽动性内容的分类广告通过审核。如果您违反规定,我们会屏蔽您的用户名和IP地址,若情节严重,我们将会向当地政府报告,届时您将会享受北京市监狱系统个人游或者收到一张遣返回家的单程票。
  8. 请不要发布内容怪癖(含有不健康内容)的广告 我们欢迎在本网站发布广告以便和您感兴趣的人发展友谊或爱情,但请您不要在“个人广告”中发布有关一夜情、婚外恋和多人性派对等信息。如果我们认为广告内容中含有猥亵的信息,您的广告将不予通过。
  9. 请房地产中介代理等用户特别注意 我们 感谢此类广 告为我们网站带来的价值,但同时也要求各位地产类广告发帖者能切实严格遵守第四条中的规定——不要针对同一条房源信息滥发广告贴(滥发行 为包括:同一条广告不停重复发布,同一条房源信息更换广告标题重复发布等——这些都是不允许的)。虽然目前我们不限制发帖数量,但是 一旦 发现有用户不遵守网站规定或者有滥用网站资源的嫌疑,我们会采取删帖、封锁账户的方式来处理此类行为。根据以往的网站管理经验,我们也知 道有用户会同时注册多个账户大量发帖,滥用网站资源,对于此类用户我们会追踪并封锁涉嫌的IP地址,且不需要给出 任何 解释。我们建议各位地产中介发帖者不要使用与事实不符的虚假照片来“美化”你的房源信息;这么做只会让你的客户越来越少——毕竟诚信才能 走的更远。
  10. 请提供教师招聘信息的语言培训机构或个人特别注意 希望 各位相关发帖用户同样也能遵守第四条和第九条的规定。一旦发现有用户不遵守网站规定并滥用网站资源,我们会进行删帖处理,同时保留封锁涉 嫌账户的权利。签证服务公司以及卫星电视供应商也请注意此类相关规定。
  11. 请前招聘单位的辞退职员特别注意 本网站的分类广告服务不是您发泄或抱怨的地方,我们发现这类广告后将予以删除。
  12. 请以“按摩服务”为名义的性工作者特别注意 无论您是否相信,您通过任何方式伪装您的广告,我们都能再最短的时间内辨别是否合法(特别是您用日本AV女星的照片作为您的头像时)。凡在“按摩与美容”一栏中投放广告的广告主都必须向我们提供一份合法的营业许可证的传真件(传真:5820 7895)且所提供的联系电话必须是室内固定电话(室外公用电话或移动电话是不许可的)。只提供上门服务的“按摩服务”广告将不予通过。我们保留否决或删除涉嫌引诱、教唆卖淫行为的广告的权利。如果您有或意图有上述行为,请参见本规定第8条。 祝您使用愉快!
  13. The Beijinger网站不允许发表任何具有欺骗性的广告, 包括任何有欺诈用户财产和物品的广告,或者导致用户受到任何身体或心理伤害的广告。网站用户需要意识到我们没有精力和资源去检查每一条分类广告,故在回复广告信息的时候,请非常谨慎。我们强烈建议不要把任何钱财及银行卡信息发送给你不认识的人。为此,The Beijinger网站对于用户可能遭遇欺诈的情况概不负责,但我们会删除涉嫌欺诈的内容、以及屏蔽有可能违法行为的用户。

若咨询请发邮件至 listings@thebeijinger.com