Blog Tag - vintage

Beyond the Vintage: POPPING Redefines the Antique Shop in Beijing
As the saying goes “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, something that definitely applies when it comes to thrifting and antique hunting....
3 Vintage Stores In 798 For A Stylish Summer
As handfuls of clothing brands fall in line with the so-called “fast fashion” and the racks in Uniqlo, H&M, and Gap become filled by identical,...
Hunt for Everything Vintage at the Need! Flea Market, Sep 2-4
Find something you want, need, or maybe never thought you needed, as the three day Need! Flea Market rolls into Beijing this weekend. Organized by...
TaoBrowser: What the Childhood of Chinese Millennials May Taste Like?
Where can you buy that? You already know the answer: Taobao. But navigating China’s biggest e-commerce platform can be a nightmare for foreigners, so...
Local Gem: A Bowl of Hainanese Chicken Rice That Will Take You Back in Time
A so-called tea, without any tea; a dish that is named for Hainan but is now regarded as a Singaporean specialty. These are the sort of mind-boggling...
DP Vintage Whatsits at Oye Make For a Lovely Cocktail Setting
Knick-knacks and miscellany are the talking points that fill the lull in conversation at Oye Bar. Taking over the space once occupied by Charlie...
In With the Old: The Hunt for Vintage in Beijing’s Hutongs
It should hardly come as a surprise that finding a genuinely old object is a serious mission in Beijing. And we’re not even talking about antiques,...
Twoface: Slick and Vintage Cuts for Men and Women at 3.3
I had a hard time of getting a haircut when I was young. Lack of style treated me well (at least until I was old enough to recognize a decade’s worth...
Apply Now: Feige Vintage Fair in May Seeking Vendors
It’s that time of the year again! The Feige Vintage Fair is back, running May 1-3, with over 200 booths and a bunch of exciting goods for you to...
Get the Look: No Life ‘til Leather
Gigi PengStylist (Celebrity/Commercial/Editorial) Her style: It changes depending on her mood each day, but she can’t live without leather.Shopping...
La Bella Vintage: Korean Sweaters and Tibetan Trinkets
In case Mega Mega Vintage and Underground Kidz wasn’t enough to satisfy your vintage-hunter habit (however overpriced), another one has joined the...
Hipster Hounds and Time-Honored Flair: Chichi & Roro Vintage
I first caught up with vintage trailblazer Li Hua and his pooch, Billy, in 2012 while I was on my way to Ikea. The duo were manning a shop behind...
Seasonal Eats: Summer's Must Have Vintage Chinese Ice Creams
  Now available year-round and often associated with indulgence and calories, ice cream and ice pops used to be a summer luxury for Chinese kids...
Talking Threads: Find NLGX at Parkview Green Starting This Thursday
  Parkview Green is gaining another retail space, but this time, it it's not a shop – not in the traditional sense at least. In what's considered a...
First Glance: Chi Chi & Roro Vintage
I caught Beijing vintage trailblazer Li Hua and his dog Billy in 2012 when I was on my way to Ikea. The pair were manning a shop full of old clothes...