Blog Tag - studying Chinese

Mandarin Monday: Mastering 儿 so That You Too Can Speak Like a True Lao Beijinger
Mandarin Monday is a weekly column where we help you improve your Chinese by detailing learning tips, fun and practical phrases, and trends. Er, erm...
Mandarin Monday: Learning Your ABCs... in Chinese
Mandarin Monday is a weekly column where we help you improve your Chinese by detailing learning tips, fun and practical phrases, and trends. No...
Mandarin Monday: The Key to Improving Your Putonghua May Already Be In Your Pocket
While we waste time thumbing through selfies and memes on our moments, or visiting clickbait sites or staring at neverending cat gifs, we could...
Back to School: Improving Your Zhongwen in the Capital
September is the time to be going back to school. If you’re not happy with your Chinese level, or you’re jealous of more fluent friends, there’s no...
Ten Phrases to Teach Your Buddies that Don't Speak Mandarin on National Pengyou Day
Hey, we know not all of you are Americans out there, but if you see a lot of Chinese in your English social media streams today and tomorrow, that's...