Blog Tag - outdoors

Glamping in the City: Just Bring Yourselves
I found it. Paradise. Right here in Beijing, within the 5th Ring Road. Of course, my idea of paradise may differ just a little from yours. But if...
A Day at the Pool: Guoce International Conference and Exhibition Center
There’s no better way to escape the sweltering heat in Beijing than to take a dip in a pool. However, since moving to Beijing, I’ve learned that...
What You Really Need To Go Camping in Beijing
With the spread of the pandemic within the capital city forcing schools to go online and events to be cancelled, we are all left wondering how best...
Use this Mini-App to Check Which Parks Are Open and Book Tickets
At last, the weather has turned, and staying indoors suddenly seems even less bearable. Even with sporatic shut downs that happen from time to time...
Shenglian Mountain: Like Hiking Through a Textbook of Chinese History and Mythology
In case you missed it, autumn officially started last Sunday, at least according to China’s 24 solar terms and the almighty gods of retail who’ve...
Awaken With The Spring by Finding Your New Indie Gym
With the insects awakening and forest animals coming out of hibernation, we humans, too, are left with fewer and fewer excuses to stay indoors,...
R Hit the Road: The Best Longer Cycling Routes Around Beijing
If you're a cycling enthusiast, you've probably already tried our top 10 easy center-city Beijing rides. Now, however, it's time to level up with...
The Best Beijing Parks and Gardens for Budding Horticulturalists
Beijing is finally waking up from its long hibernation, welcoming the longer, warmer, and brighter spring days. The city's many hidden gardens and...
Not Just for Tourists: How to Make the Most of Beijing's Scenic Spots
Beijing’s scenic spots are often dismissed as touristy by those of us who have called this city home for longer than, say, six months. However, you...
R1 Beijing's Best Dog-Friendly Patios
With all the excellent weather we've been having recently our thoughts are naturally turning to brunches, afternoons, or happy hours spent on one of...
DP The Best Spring Date Ideas in Beijing
It’s getting warmer, and love is in the air. All you’ve got to do is hope that your partner doesn’t read this blog, or else they’ll know it wasn’t...
Al Fresco Dining and Drinking: Where to Take in That Beijing Sun Before It's Too Late
Before it becomes too hot to hang out outside and really enjoy our fair city, we took a look at Beijing’s best rooftops, terraces, and even hutong...
Thursday is Going to Be 30 Degrees: How to Enjoy Beijing Before it Gets Too Hot
This Thursday, the mercury is set to hit a toasty 30 degrees Celsius and while it's been a while since we had our thermals on, it's a far cry from...
One Last Time: Your Complete Guide to Outdoor Restaurants and Bars in Beijing
It's October, we have a week-long holiday, and the sky is blue. It’s time to think about the important things in life, such as: where can I make the...
Still Cool: Our Complete Guide to Outdoor Dining Options in Beijing
The weather's nice and cool, the restrictions on life in general are over, and this week, you'll be working on a Sunday. Make the most of the final...