Blog Tag - Great Friend Outdoors Club

What’s Up in Beer: the Chef and the Brewer, New Co-Brews, and Hutong Hangout
It's here. The sunshine, the breeze, the rare blue skies, and the ice-cold beers. Everything right now seems borne for long, summer days spent...
What’s Up in Beer: New Brews on Tap
Sometimes we think what it's like to be a brewery; you never settle for what you have on tap at any given moment, no matter how popular you are, and...
What’s Up in Beer: Jing-A's Pallet Cleanser, Slow Boat's Pirate Snap, Logsdon Tap Takeover, and More
How’s your liver doing after Great Leap's Invitational Beer Fest (pictured above)? If it's anything like ours, you'll have one foot in the starting-...
What’s Up in Beer: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and New Brews
The seasons are changing and our seasonal affective disorder is lifting, meaning that with the help of epic eye-rolls, a little more sunshine, and...
What’s Up in Beer:  Something Old and Something New
Hey beer lovers, congrats on surviving CNY! As is compulsory with the passing of a new year, and seeing as this is the first beer blog of the Year of...
What’s Up in Beer: Your Chinese New Year Beer Survival Guide
The idea of seven long days of a brew-free Chinese New Year is enough to give anyone the shakes. "What if there's no beer?" you say. Well, fret not,...
Five New Beer Bars and Brewpubs Not to Miss in 2018
2017 gave us beer devotees plenty of reasons to celebrate. No matter how many bars you managed to tick off your list by the end of last year, there...
What’s Up in Beer: Great Leap x Slow Boat, New Brews, and Beer Cocktails
Hey beer lovers, welcome to the first beery blog of 2018! If you've vowed to undertake Dry January, this is probably the wrong thing to be reading...
A Roundup of 15 Beijing's Newly Opened Brewpubs and Bars You Won't Want to Miss, Jan-Aug
How time flies, there are only four months left in this year, four months! If you don’t follow our beer column tightly nor appreciate our hard work...
What’s Up in Beer: Sour Beers, Ciders, Oyster Stout Event, Little Creatures Launch, and Beer Deals
Beijing has been kind to us this week, with cool breezes, an AQI lower than 25, and temperatures below 30. And the good vibes look to continue into...
Great Friend Outdoors Club Promises Draught and Bottled Beer, Rock Climbing and Nice Terrace at Fangjia Hutong
Fangjia Hutong is like a magnet for small businesses with character. From El Nido, Fang Bar, to Ramo, from MoxiMoxi to Antlers, the Great Brickening...