Blog Tag - Cycling in Beijing

On Yer Bike: Give Your Legs a Workout on One of Serk's Weekend Rides
Top of the list of "things I always say I'll do but actually don't" is "get out of the city at the weekend" so despite my utter lack of cycling...
Get Set, Ride!: Beijing International Bicycle Exhibition 2016, Jul 30-Aug 1
Us Beijingers love a good cycle, everyone knows it. Let's be honest, unless you're willing to compromise personal space and travel by speedy-but-...
Breathless in Beijing: Natooke CEO Ines Brunn on how (and why) she cycles through the smog
In this portion of MayAir’s sponsored series, we interview members of Beijing’s international community about what they think and how they deal with...
Beijing to Become More Bike Friendly in Dutch-Chinese Collaboration
Although Beijing’s streets may appear to be full of bikes, not enough people are cycling for the city to achieve sustainable mobility (confirmed by...