Blog Author - Drew Pittock

20 for 20: Capital Restauteur David Connolly
Connolly may have come to Beijing to study, but now he's one of the city's most prolific restaurant owners.
20 for 20: Michelle Hemsin of Bodhi Therapeudic Retreat
Michelle Hemsin knows a thing or two about the ups and downs of expat life, and she's taken that to heart with a career focused on helping others...
Park Life: Everything You Need to Know About Liuyin Park
We take a look at Beijing's most beloved parks, dig into what makes them special, and why they're worth your time to explore.
Veg-Jing Out: Fatburger Goes Beyond, Language Learning Meets Vegan Dining, and Faux-Pulled Pork With a Local Twist
Veg-Jing Out is your regular guide to a guilt-free lifestyle in the capital.
Experimental Artists Launch ‘Savage Moon,’ a 12-Hour Performance at Pi Bar This Saturday
Following a six-hour performance at Aotu Space earlier this month, multi-media syndicate "Cohort" is doubling down on its ambitions.
Capital Caff: V7 Caters to Coffee Connoisseurs, M+ Coffice is Summer’s Missed Arrival
Capital Caff is your guide to the latest in coffee happenings around Beijing.
Dada Rises From the Ashes in New Ritan Digs Wednesday, Oct 27
Some five months after closing its legendary 206 Gulou location, Dada is back with a dizzying 68 DJ kick-off party.
Zrou x Amiga/man-Chang: Japanese + Mexican + Vegan = Yes Please!
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Zrou has officially touched down in Yokocho Ichibangai, and the results are tantalizing. 
1921 Cultural Industry Park is Andingmen's Very Own Little Lifestyle Enclave
Andingmen recently got its own mini-Longfusi, complete with bookstore, wine bar, and brewpub.