F&B Sales Talents: Have a Drink On Us!

We’re looking for people who love to drink and dine and network, and rather than ask you to come in for a boring interview, we’d like to invite you out for a drink.

Call it Sales Speed Dating. Next week we’ll be inviting a small number of candidates to come enjoy a Sanlitun Happy Hour with us while we get to know you in a casual setting rather than the stuffy atmosphere of an office meeting room.

You’ll join us for drinks and appetizers as we ask you the important interview questions, aka not where you went to college or what your GPA was, but: what’s your typical night out in Beijing? What are your three favorite cocktail bars? Which hotel brunch is your favorite?

We don't care much about your previous experience or your nationality we do however require you to speak both English and Chinese. Do you need to be able to orate at the level of Martin Luther King, Jr. or intepret the collected works of Li Bai (Classical Chinese Edition)? No but you should be at least able to converse in both.

The event is by invitation only and is for a maximum of 10 people … you send us your CV and we’ll invite you over. The deets:

When: Mon, Nov 29, 5-7pm (tell your boss you gotta leave the office early to make an important sales call)
Where: In the SLT Area
How to score an invite: Send us your CV and your reasons why you’d make a great salesperson to TBJ Butler by adding his WeChat account below


At the event you'll meet not just HR, but our senior management as well... and our aim is to make some offers that evening (so we can get you on board before the big Office Christmas Party Blowout).

So if you're money-hungry, want to work in a fun multinational atmosphere, and are planning on sticking around in Beijing for a few years, we'd love to meet you. Send that CV today!