Mandarin Monday: How to Get Costumed Up for Halloween in Chinese

Trick or Treat 不给糖就捣蛋 bù gěi táng jiù dǎodàn!

Boo! It's that time of year again! It's the time when spirits come out in their physical forms, for wandering souls to parade around town after twilight, for creatures lurking in the dark to come out and wreak havoc.

However in China, its important to do as the Chinese do, especially when it comes ghouls and goblins. So for this special edition of Mandarin Monday, we're taking a look at how to dress up for Halloween and how to pick the right movies for your Halloween party.

Choose your costume:

Witch 女巫 nǚwū
Werewolf 狼人 lángrén
Vampire 吸血鬼 xīxuèguǐ
Zombie 僵尸 jiāngshī
Skeleton 骷髅  kūlóu
Mummy 木乃伊 mùnǎiyī
Alien 外星人 wài xīng rén
Unicorn 独角兽 dú jiǎo shòu
Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦/科学怪人 fúlánkěn sītǎn/kēxué guàirén
Grim Reaper 死神 sǐshén
Ghost 幽灵 yōulíng
Jack Lantern 杰克南瓜 jiékè nánguā
Demon 恶魔 èmó
Devil 魔鬼 móguǐ
Joker 小丑 xiǎochǒu
Cannibal 食人族 shí rénzú

Once you've found who you want to be for Halloween, learn a few of these phrases to make sure your costume will be just right:

Costume 戏服 xì fú
Special effects makeup 特效化妆 tèxiào huàzhuāng
Artificial blood 人造血浆 rénzào xiějiāng
Fangs 尖牙 jiān yá
Claws 利爪 lì zhuǎ
Contacts 隐形眼镜 yǐnxíng yǎnjìng
Wig 假发 jiǎfǎ
Spooky 恐怖的 kǒngbù de
Whimsical 怪诞的 guàidàn de
Accessory 饰品 shìpǐn

Now that your costume is ready, here's a list of movies for your Halloween night movie marathon:

Psycho 惊魂夜 Jīnghún Yè
The Shining 闪灵  Shǎn Líng
Saw 电锯惊魂 Diàn Jù Jīnghún
Scream 惊声尖叫 Jīng Shēng Jiān Jiào
A Nightmare on Elm Street 猛鬼街 Měng Guǐ Jiē
Cult of Chucky 鬼娃回魂 Guǐ Wá Huí Hún
The Corpse Bride 僵尸新娘  Jiāngshī Xīnniáng
The Host 汉江怪物 Hànjiāng Guàiwù
Sleepy Hollow 沉睡谷 Chénshuì Gǔ
Halloween 月光光心慌慌 Yuèguāng Guāng Xīnhuāng Huāng
The Nightmare Before Christmas 圣诞夜惊魂 Shèngdàn Yè Jīnghún
Coraline 鬼妈妈 Guǐ Māmā
Silence of the Lambs 沉默的羔羊 Chénmò de Gāoyáng
The Ring 午夜凶铃 Wǔyè Xiōng Líng
The Grudge 咒怨 Zhòu Yuàn
Rocky Horror Picture Show 洛基恐怖秀 Luòjī Kǒngbù Xiù

Not into the whole western-centered horror folklore system? Read on below about Chinese creatures and their foreign counterparts.

READ: Getting to Know Your Beijing Neighbors: E.T.C. Werner

Images Courtesy of the corresponding movie producing, publishing companies, ayakowithtoshio