2020 Burger Cup Sweet 16 Matchups: Beersmith vs Blue Frog

During the Oct 1 holiday we're bringing you a closer look at the eight matchups in the Sweet 16 of the 2020 Burger Cup.

We've asked each of the competitors to supply us with a brief description of their best-selling burger.

Responsible voters will try each before casting a ballot. Do your part for democracy and try them all!

Today's matchup features Beersmith vs Blue Frog.

The Venue: Beersmith Gastropub 鲜啤吧

The Burger:  Wagyu Beef Sliders Special Cheese Sauce 香滑芝士盖迷你和牛汉堡 (RMB 148 for 4)

The Lowdown: Melted cheese, pickles, tomato, lettuce on top of a succulent Wagyu beef patty have made our Wagyu Beef sliders one of our most popular items at Beersmith Gastropub. The mini-brioche bun with juicy beef can be either be dipped or drenched in our famous warm cheese sauce. Perfectly matched with our I See You IPA or Cosmic Pale Ale, the Wagyu Beef Sliders never fail to satisfy! 香滑芝士盖迷你和牛汉堡自推出以来备受喜爱,一直是鲜啤吧的招牌美食。白面包的汉堡皮松软可口,完美搭配泡菜、番茄、生菜和多汁和牛肉饼。你可以把香滑芝士浇在上面,更可以拿着小汉堡沾着芝士,让芝士充分浸入面包中。再来一杯鲜啤吧的灵兽IPA或者无尽淡色艾尔,绝配!

The Venue: Blue Frog 蓝蛙

The Burger: The Mushroom-Plus Beef Burger 蘑菇味很浓牛肉汉堡 (RMB 98)

The Lowdown: Grilled beef patty (160g),drizzled with mushroom sauce, layered with basil garlic sauteed mushroom, deep fried shredded onion, Swiss cheese and romaine lettuce. Served on a wheat bun(60g) with fries(130g). 澳洲进口牛肉原料制成牛肉饼,淋上浓郁蘑菇汁,搭配罗勒蒜香炒蘑菇与牛排菇、炸洋葱丝、瑞士芝士、新鲜罗马生菜、全麦面包与薯条

What's your pick? Make your selection on our official WeChat-based ballot by scanning the QR below:

Take your time – you have until Oct 12 to make your selections. In the meantime, stay tuned for more Sweet 16 matchups as the October holiday progresses!

READ: Local Brands Push Their Way Through to the Sweet 16 in Burger Cup 2020

Images: The Beijingers, courtesy of the vendors