Wudaokou Watch: “I Have a Better Understanding of the Importance of Multiculturalism”

Welcome to Wudaokou Watch, where we profile a different Beijing-based student from abroad each week to hear about their life in China's capital. You can read the whole series here.

My name is Geraud Stephane Nziengui. I come from Gabon, a country on the west coast of Central Africa. Rich petroleum resources and foreign private investment have helped make Gabon become one of the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.

I came to Beijing to pursue my master’s in Business Administration at Beijing Technology and Business University, which is one of the best universities in Beijing. I also wanted to have good international experience in order to take my career to the next level.

Compared to my country, Beijing is very interesting. It's a multicultural city with people from all over the world, which means I can meet people from many different cultures and traditions, as well as interact and build friendships.

My biggest challenge when I arrived was speaking the language. Right now I can speak and confidently communicate well in Chinese.

My favorite hangout place is going to play basketball and netball. Whenever we are free, we go with my friends and enjoy ourselves. It is one of the things I like doing in my leisure time.

I do not really feel homesick because I have a lot of good friends from different countries, and sometimes we prepare and eat African food together.

What I like the most in Beijing is its architecture and its amazing parks. The Chinese government has invested so much in these aspects to make their country so attractive. There are also great tall buildings that everyone can admire.

My most memorable Beijing experience was the day that I climbed the Great Wall. It is one of the wonders of the modern world, and I have always wanted to walk on it. This is my most memorable moment.

Beijing has helped me to see things differently and it has given me a better understanding of the importance of multiculturalism and the challenges of the global and digital economy.

My future plan is to go back home and practice all that I have learned in China and transform my life and my country. I plan to start my own business and make it a success.

READ: "I Can Now Confidently and Fluently Speak Chinese"

Are you a student in Beijing? Let us profile you and your unique experiences here. Drop us a line at editor@thebeijinger.com and we’ll get back to you to schedule an interview.

Images courtesy of Geraud Stephane Nziengui