Pachakutiq to Return in August at New Xinyuanli Digs

[UPDATE] The soft opening has been delayed, and will kick off sometime in September before the grand opening is held in October.

Xinyuanli’s dining scene continues on the up and up, with yet another beloved Beijing restaurant joining the likes of Q Mex Taqueria and Bottega before summer is said and done. Pachakutiq, the innovative Peruvian brand that made a major splash with its popups at Sanlitun Soho last year and China Central Mall before that, will re-launch in the same Xinyuanli complex that houses those aforementioned Mexican and Italian dining destinations, cementing the building’s reputation as one of Beijing’s top grub go-tos.

Details about the decor and menu at the new location are thus far scant, with the owners telling us that it hasn’t been long since they secured the location, though we can expect more juicy tidbits once their August opening looms closer. The mere fact that Pachakutiq is making its return will be enough to stoke foodies’ excitement, however, seeing as the restaurant served up so many unique wares. Be it ceviche in the Nikkei fusion tradition, a range of refreshing and woozy piscos, or staff that were knowledgeable enough to regale customers with details about the dishes and origins of their ingredients, there was certainly no shortage of features that set Pachakutiq apart from the rest of the pack.

Back in October, Pachakutiq closed at its Sanlitun Soho location, which it split as a pop-up with Café Flatwhite (nighttime and daytime, respectively). At the time co-founder Francisco Chia told the Beijinger that he wasn’t interested in opening another pop-up, and wanted to instead focus on a permanent location.

Here’s to hoping that this new location can become a more of stable fixture where we can dine on delectable ceviche and knock back potent glasses of pisco for the foreseeable future.

Photos courtesy of Pachakutiq