Belgian DJ San Soda Spills His Crate Digging Secrets Before May 4 Dada Set

Just getting a rough sense of San Soda's record collection can feel like you've trekked halfway around the world and schooled in the ways of music like never before.

The Belgian-born, Berlin-based DJ has over 15,000 records in his arsenal and prides himself on eclectic mixes that have been cobbled together from his travels and hours upon hours of crate digging wherever his feet may land. That's not to say that his sets lack focus, on the contrary, using house music as his touchstone he weaves together intricate sets that ooze soul, Afro, and disco with a decidedly Detroit and Chicago bent. Most importantly, San Soda lets the records speak for themselves, shunning obfuscation and DJ trickery in favor of spinning each as it was originally meant to be heard.

Ahead of his Dada set tonight (May 4) as part of Organic, we spoke to the avid record collector about his influences as well as what you're likely to hear when he steps up to the decks (click on the links to have a listen ahead of time).

Where’s your favorite place to dig for records and why (store and country)?
It’s hard to pick one store. Generally, the best places for me are random stocks or big malls around Southeast Asia. You can find old collections or back stock from US or Japan that haven’t been picked through too much yet. Great for disco, HI NRG, Italo 12-inches, and for funk, soul, and jazz albums.

What’s your biggest find among the dusty crates?
If by biggest you mean most expensive then I guess the most remarkable find was in Johannesburg where we just arrived and the first record I pull out was a USD 800 NYC early '80s disco rap holy grail.

You’re bound to a chair and a man has a cigar cutter to your little finger, demanding you give him your top-prized copy of _______________ . You refuse, and lose a pinky. Fill in the blank.

Del Richardson - Pieces Of A Jigsaw

Did you pick up anything special during Record Store Day two weekends ago? If so, what?
I did buy some records on Record Story day but they were some Vietnamese 7-inches from an antique shop in Ho Chi Minh so nothing to do with the event. 

Throughout your career, what have been some records that have shaped your sound and given you a fresh take on your direction as a DJ? Why?
Yes, I guess sometimes you play certain tracks so often you start to get identified by them. Some of those for me might be:

Destination - Move On Up

Rex Gyamfi - Obiara Bewu

Mave & Dave - You Are Delicious

Phlash & Friends feat. Shea Soul - Runnin’

Hi Tension - Hi Tension

What are some tracks from this year that you can’t stop spinning and are likely to grace your Beijing set?
Some I’ve been playing a lot during this tour:

JC Lodge - Why (Does Your Love Hurt So Much?)

Ze Carlos - Venha

Jeffrey Bon - Slow

Chiktay - Déposez Les Armes

Finally, is there anything in particular gems that you’re hoping to unearth in China during your time here?
Compared to music from other parts of Asia, I know very little about China’s musical history so I’m happy to have the chance to dive in for the first time and get a broad impression. 

San Soda plays Dada tonight, May 4. Doors open at 10pm and ticket prices are TBA. He's supported by Juhstynn and Marc Alexr. Find out more here.

Images: Octopus,