EAT: Be a CFFC Table Host, Say Goodbye to Saveurs De Corée (for Now), Get Ready for Pizza Fest 2K17

Beijing's premier charitable dining event, Chi Fan For Charity (CFFC), is gearing up for another fine event this year on November 4 and have just put out a call for table hosts. As most people who have taken part in CFFC before will know, the table hosting system is part of what makes the event so great, with interesting Beijingers from all walks of life rounding up equally as interesting tables of guests, making for one of Beijing's most diverse event crowds.  

There are three ways for you to host a table: 1) you (or more likely, your organization) can become a "Michelin" table sponsor by making a cash donation of RMB 25,000, 2) you can become a "fixed menu" table host by buying an entire 10-seat table outright (RMB 500-1,500 per seat, depending on the restaurant), or 3) you can sign up to be an "à la carte" table host and simply round up nine of your best friends to come to dinner, ensuring that each one pays for their own seat.

This year's CFFC beneficiary is Education in Sight, an organization that strives to improve the academic performance of underprivileged children in China by providing free vision screenings and corrective lenses. 

In related news, a memorial at TRB Copper for recently deceased (and sorely missed) China Daily editor Mike Peters on Sunday, August 20, raised more than RMB 45,000. Although your editor was sadly unable to make it in person, I believe Jim Boyce summed it the event well as "an afternoon of wine, cocktails, and snacks that Mike would have appreciated. The attendees also raised more than a few glasses to a man whose enthusiasm will be missed." Any funds remaining after dealing with related medical expenses will be donated to StepUp!, a charity to benefit Tibetan nomadic tribes started by another American China Daily staffer.

Jim Boyce also reported this week that long-running Korean restaurant Saveurs de Corée has closed as of Sunday, August 27. Owner King Tai cited the fact that their food permit cannot be renewed as the reason for the closure. Saveurs closed their original Ju'er Hutong location near Nanluogu Xiang in 2015, but were still going strong at their Xiang'er Hutong location, recently adding a new evening soju bar concept. Look for them to open in a new location as soon as they can. 

Finally, it's time to start your training (eating) regimen for the dairy, tomato, and carb-soaked extravaganza that we like to call the Beijinger 2017 Pizza Cup Launch Festival. Make it your mission to sample as many of Beijing's best pizzas as possible in the run up to the event so you know which stalls to make a beeline for (and have amply stretched your stomach to fit in all the more slices). Good places to do that economically include half-price pizzas at V Sports and Luga's on Mondays, half-price pizzas on Tuesdays at Q Mex, and buy two, get one free pizza Wednesdays at Ramo. Don't forget that we have 10 tickets for our carnival-themed two-day pizza party to give away before September 1. More details here

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Photos courtesy of Saveurs de Corée, Mike Peters' GoFundMe