Friendly Vibes and Cheap, No-Frills Cocktails Abound at Xinzhong Jie's Social Circle

Social Circle’s name really does say it all – this is a friendly, fun, and relaxing spot that runs counter to the more serious cocktail bars popping up around town. You won’t find a tuxedoed bar man expertly tossing bottles and shakers every which way to dazzling effect, meaning you won’t be impressed by the showmanship behind the bar. But this Sanlitun-neighboring newbie’s vibe is still light and accessible.

Friendly manager Lucas mixes up a few no-frills, affordable cocktails

The bartenders nevertheless mix up tasty crowd pleasers that are nothing short of satisfying. One of those barkeeps – a portly, quick-to-grin fellow from Hubei named Liu “Lucas” Yibo, who also happens to be the manager – enthusiastically went down the menu with us, telling us which cocktails were sweet, sour, strong, and light, before wielding his shaker in an unflashy, yet clearly professional manner. Such features are certainly why the small spot saw brisk business from an almost entirely Chinese, happily go lucky looking clientele when we popped in early on a recent Thursday.

The summery 圈儿 cocktail

A few of the better-than-expected cocktails we tried were the 圈儿 (quān'er), which was perfectly smooth and breezy for this summer season thanks to a martini base with added lemon juice, and cucumber slices. Anyone craving something with a bit more bite can try the Pink Lover, which makes some adjustments to the normally vodka-based cocktail, instead using whiskey, lemon, and cinnamon, a combination that proved a little hefty and wintry for this time of year. That being said, it was still flavorful, aromatic, and strong enough to leave you with a satisfying buzz. Best of all: both only cost RMB 60, even as many other bars nearby are normalizing a fee twice that.

The hefty, whiskey loaded and oddly named Pink Lover

With such affordable and tasty cocktails, an upbeat ambiance, and casual service, what’s really not to like? Social Circle might not knock your socks off, but it’s certainly a worthy new addition to your Sanlitun area cocktail circuit.

Social Circle
Daily 7pm-late.18 Xinzhong Jie (around the corner from GLB #12 and Golden Pineapple International Hostel), Chaoyang District
朝阳区新中街18号, 金菠萝青年旅馆旁胡同

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Photos: Kyle Mullin