Bidding Farewell: Looking Back On My Best Experiences as Dining Editor

After more than a year and a half on the dining editing front line, today I am hanging up my knife and fork and moving on to greener or at the very least, newer pastures. 

Before I go, I thought I'd look back over some of the experiences that have made the past couple of years great. Now, this list is by no means comprehensive since I can't remember literally everything I've ever eaten nor do I have that many blog-friendly pictures (note to restaurants: install instagram-friendly lighting pls). 

What was it Shakespeare said? Oh yeah, parting is such sweet sorrow ...

British Polo Day
Not really a dining event this one, but getting invited to this year's British Polo Day in Beijing was a real treat. Blue skies greeted us as we arrived at Tang Polo Club on the eastern outskirts of the city, before we launched into a full day of Champagne, canapes (catering came from the ever-fabulous NUO Hotel), and, of course, polo. Definitely brought out the lady-like British lady in me. 

Eating loads of truffles with Umberto Bombana
The three Michelin-starred chef behind Opera Bombana is legit the nicest chef ever. He visits Beijing a couple of times a year, particularly at the start of both white and black truffle season and I have been lucky enough to attend quite a few tastings during his visits. Now I'm not the biggest fan of truffles if I'm honest (I know, I know, how am I a dining editor) but when they're topping a risotto that's as good as the one below, you just shut up and eat.

A cheeky October overnighter at Rosewood Beijing
I'd be lying if I said one of the best things about this job isn't the occasional gratis hotel stay. One of my consistent favorite hotel experiences has been at Rosewood Beijing, including a stay over Spring Festival last year and a second stay last October. The second stay was particularly memorable as I stayed in one of Rosewood's fabulous spa suite serious, special luxury. Read more about my stay here.

Having one of my photos used for the magazine front cover
You know that beautiful blue sky on the front cover of the October issue? Yeah, I took that, and with an iPhone no less. Instagram fame must only be just around the corner now.

Carnivore's Club dinner at Feast, EAST Beijing
I love that the team at Feast (and EAST generally) are always coming out with cool new promotions and collaborations. Chief among these are their Carnivore's Club dinners, in which Chef Rob Cunningham collaborates with chefs and restaurants around town for a one-off menu. Previous partners in crime have includes Chef Li Dong from Opposite House, Migas, and Ssam's Andrew Ahn. Since these are, after all, dinners for carnivores, the menus always focus on using every part of a chosen animal, making for some challenging dishes for someone like me who shies away from offal BUT in the end I have always come away a convert. My favorite was the Carnivore's Club with Dutch-Yunnanese Chef Sue Zhou  her Yunnan flavors seemed to meld really well with Rob's straight-forward cooking style.

Getting Rager Pie'd in the face
Sometimes you just have to get a little silly and if it means getting two-for-one pies, all the better.

Discovering hutong fine dining at Cours et Pavillons and The Georg
Cours et Pavillons, a boutique hutong hotel with a semi-private French fine dining restaurant was one of my favorite meals (or technically two of my favorite meals since I went twice) of 2015. Definitely one for people who like traditional, white tablecloths-style fine dining, but the perfect place to celebrate a special occasion.

However, if you treat yourself to one pricey meal this year, make it The Georg. I can't sing the praises of this relative new opening enough, nor do I want to give away the experience, but suffice it to say they are doing some really interesting things in the kitchen and the space itself is second to none. 

Aged wagyu beef at Migas
This beef was straight up the best thing I have ever put in my mouth (watch it). The exact details escape me because it was nearly a year ago, but I believe this was aged wagyu beef from either Chile or Argentina. Either way, it was meltingly tender, charred on the outside, full of intense beefy flavor. Beijing has plenty of good steakhouses, but I haven't found many restaurants that are as passionate about the quality and treatment of their ingredients as Migas.

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Instagram: @gongbaobeijing
Twitter: @gongbaobeijing
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Photos: Robynne Tindall