Eat the Beijing Smog Out of Your System by Feasting on Antioxidants and TCM Remedies

While many of us scramble to buy air purifiers and breathing masks  in case the capital is once again plagued by another soupy period of pollution like the one that made headlines earlier this week  we should also keep in mind that the nutrients and antioxidants that we ingest also cleanse our systems of those sooty chemicals.

Western and Eastern health practitioners, nutritionists and naturopaths agree that the foods we eat can have a massive effect on our systems – so why not let your diet help fight the effects of smog?

In fact some experts say: “Certain foods offer the lungs high doses of critical nutrients that allow them to remain as healthy as possible.”

With that in mind, we have outlined some of the fresh eats you can find in Beijing that can counter the bitter taste that smog has literally left in our mouths. It could be that effects are negligible, but you could do worse than giving them a try.

1. Clean beans
WebMD’s list of “20 Common Foods With the Most Antioxidants” is topped by dried red beans, while their top five is rounded out by red kidney beans and pinto beans. Black beans are also hailed by many as a prime source of antioxidants. And while such “musical fruits” are infamous for making diners gassy, experts at Science Daily say they are the perfect counter to gaseous pollutants because their antioxidants deftly destroy the free radical chemicals that lead to heart disease and cancer. Plenty of foodies are quick to point out that these beans are not only healthy but also tasty, making for a fine ingredient to be mixed with rice, pan fried with tofu or boiled in soup. Aside from those options, popular culinary blog Epicurious touts the deliciousness of dried beans as a mash with Moroccan lamb, as an African-styled curry soup, and as a hearty American-style chili. And, of course, beans make for an enriching dish all on their own, as any seasoned cook in the deep American south will attest.

Find it at: The Bookworm’s Soul Bowls, Q Mex, Home Plate.

2. Berry powerful
Of all the antioxidant rich foods, berries were named number one in a recent Canadian Living article. The piece explains that blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries are particularly rife in an antioxidant called proanthocyanidins that assuredly counteracts cancer and heart disease. Additionally, the author recommends including these delectably sweet bite sized fruits in yogurt or cereal at breakfast time, blending them in a thickly textured (and nutrient rich) smoothie, or simply munching on them in between meals as a healthy snack. Other foodies have enthusiastically blogged about the virtues of berry infused muesli and tastiness of berry loaded salads, while others rave about the healthy berry deserts in frozen yogurts and tarts or jams which can satisfy anyone with a sweet tooth who also hopes to remain healthy. Other experts say that any fruits high in fiber, like grapes, apples, and pears can also eliminate numerous toxins. So the next time you’re hankering something sugary, head for the produce stand instead of loading up on junk food.

Find it at: The Bookworm’s Soul Bowls, Miss Muesli, Juice by Melissa.

3. Salads that save the day
Despite any doubts you may have had as a youngster, your mother was indeed right to extol the benefits rabbit food at the dinner table. Salads with broccoli are a particular favorite amongst experts, who laud the unique combination of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiin, and glucobrassicin, a “dynamic trio” that “is able to support all steps in body's detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants.” Carrots, corn, kale, and green peppers also feature the indispensable beta carotene antioxidant that, according to Vitamins Nutrition “protects against toxins and cancer formations”

Find it at: Moka Bros, Element Fresh, Gung Ho! Pizza, Home PlateTribe Organic, Wagas.

4. Ginger
Ginger is like a tie that binds the vast array of China’s regional cuisines. Indeed, few ingredients are such a consistently delicious and widely loved staple ingredient as this flavorful root vegetable. But ginger is equally popular for its health properties. One experts says: “The anti-inflammatory function clears your lungs of lingering pollution that could lead to health issues.” These benefits have prompted generations of Chinese chefs to include it in soups, pan fry it with fish Cantonese-style, or serve it with more exotic fare like bull frogs and soft-shelled turtles, the latter of which is a famed menu item at the Qilinbei Hutong haunt Kylin Private Kitchen.

Find it at: Kylin Private Kitchen, Ming YuanLi Hao.

5. Red wine
Don’t take this as an incentive to go get sloshed, but wine is highly regarded amongst many F&B devotees, one of whom raves about its procyanidins antioxidants, “which seem to keep human blood vessels springy and squeaky clean.” Ending your day with one glass (remember winos, moderation is the key) can not only be beneficial to your system, but can also offer you a deliciously soothing buzz, especially when the AQI is high enough to drive you to drink.

Find it at: Cheers, Yolanda’s Secret, La Cava De Laoma, VinothequeMEI Bar.

And there you have it. Think we missed your favorite antioxidant haven and smog-beating panacea? Feel free to add to our list in the comments section below.
