Same as Sochi: Beijing Olympic Winter Games Confirms Sports for 2022 Event

The 2022 Olympic Winter Games will feature the same seven winter sports as the 2014 Sochi games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) said, breaking the hearts of professional snowball fighters and competitive snow angel makers everywhere.

"The sports are skiing, biathlon, curling, luge, bobsleigh, skeleton, skating, and ice hockey. All seven Olympic sports contributed significantly to the success of the Winter Olympics Sochi 2014, bringing real added value to the programme," the IOC announced on Sunday.

These are the general sports, which are then broken down into separate events. For example, skiing includes alpine skiing, ski jumping, and Nordic (cross-country) skiing.

Bobsleigh conjures up images of Santa Claus in tights and a white helmet, doesn't it?

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Photo: Concept Draw