Chi Fan For Charity Raises Record RMB 550,000

Local fundraising initiative Chi Fan For Charity set a new record for with its 2014 event, the organization said in an email to supporters on Tuesday.

"With your support, Chi Fan for Charity was able to raise over RMB 550,000 for Morning Tears and United Foundation for China's Health in 2014. With these funds, the organizations will be able to provide care and necessary medical attention to an underserved but deserving segment of our society. Your generous support will directly influence the lives of many Chinese families through the work of these two amazing charities," the organization said in its email.

Chi Fan For Charity will present Morning Tears' share of this year's donation to the group on January 28.

To date, Chi Fan For Charity has now raised over RMB 3.7 million for various charity recipients, mostly through its eat, drink, and be merry events. In 2014, the model was again extended to two other cities, with events in Shanghai and Hong Kong along with Beijing.

Photo: Ricky Zhang