Chi Fan For Charity Partner Spotlight: Morning Tears
More than 50 of Beijing’s best restaurants will participate in Chi Fan For Charity on the evening of Saturday, November 8. All proceeds will benefit two worthy charities, Morning Tears and United Foundation for Children’s Health. Tickets for the event are on sale now, and all dinner tickets include admission to the Chi Fan For Charity after-party. To purchase tickets and for more information, please visit Chi Fan For Charity’s website. Today we spotlight the first of this year's two charity partners, Morning Tears.
Morning Tears
Founded in China in 1998, Morning Tears is an international non-profit organization that stands up for children of convicts by raising awareness of the issues surrounding such children and capacity building. Morning Tears is a non-political, non-profit and non-religious organization.
Today there are millions of children of convicts who still live without their basic rights and cannot grow up with dignity. Morning Tears envisions a different world.
Morning Tears dreams of a world in which the United Nations’ Rights of the Child are available to all children of prisoners. In this world, all people would consider it their duty to help create a loving and caring environment for children of prisoners, in which respect and understanding gain the way from biases and prejudices. Governments of all nations would continuously safeguard the interests of children of prisoners. Morning Tears dreams of a world where children of prisoners grow up with dignity with a fair chance to develop their full potential.
Morning Tears strives to ensure that the rights of the child are available to all children of convicts, and to enable these children to grow up in dignity and develop their full potential.
Morning Tears strategy is two-fold:
Awareness & Advocacy
Make people, corporations and governments around the globe aware of the hidden challenges children of convicts face and what they can do to ensure that all children have access to their fundamental rights and can develop their full potential.
Capacity Building
Work in close cooperation and very constructively with (non)-governmental partners to build their capacity and structures to address the needs of children of convicts. This includes setting-up model projects, policy advice, developing and providing training (materials). Our work focuses on high-quality sustainable programs that offer long-lasting benefits to the child and society.
Photo: Morning Tears