Best Bars for Japanophiles (or Anyone Who Wants A Decent Cocktail)

The votes have been counted and it is almost time for the 2014 Reader Bar & Club awards themselves. Before the party of the year tomorrow we wanted to let you know some of this year’s winners. Here’s the Best Japanese Bar and your choice for a set of bars truly in a class of their own.


Glen Classic

This category is a bit like choosing a favorite of your children when none of them is a bad egg outright. Any of the city's Japanese bars could have won, and we would have been pleased with the results. The charm of Japanese bars is their often hidden locations and consistent cocktails. All three of the winners this year fit the bill with Ichikura up the stairs on the side of Chaoyang Theater, Glen Classic tucked away in the compound of Face hotel, and Mokihi almost lost in the mess that is Lucky Street.

Other Japanese bars to check out beyond the winners? Twilight, Glen, Kura Kura, Doron, Hanabi Shot Bar

Do yourself a favor and stop by for a drink and cheers to the winners.