Jing A's New Apocalypse Brew
After its initial launch,on May 3, Jing A's new brew, Airpocalypse Double IPA, is creating quite the stir on the web with a rather Beijing-specific marketing campaign. The price for a pint will be on a sliding scale based on the air quality index, and when the AQI reaches a level of 500 the beer will be absolutely free. Finally, a reason to get out and brave the sky gunk.
China Realtime, and other international news sources have been picking up the story, to show how Beijingers are making light of this crappy air situation by casually drinking it away. We don't see a problem with that.
The Airpocalypse Double IPA can be found at venues like Big Smoke, 4 Corners, and The Local. Keep your mobile air quality applications handy for great deals on this craft brew.
Photo: China Realtime