Do the Jitterbug: Modernista to Reopen Sep 18 with Swing Party

The delayed reopening of the newly renovated Modernista in Baochao Hutong will go ahead on September 18 after management confirmed the relaunch party would be a 1930s swing party.

The absinthe bar was slated to reopen earlier in September, but that date was pushed back when construction issues meant the facelift would take longer than expected.

Resident swing band The Hot Club of Beijing will preside over the night's frivolity. It will kick off at 8.30pm with a free Balboa Swing class, before the real business starts at 10pm. They'll be offering all-you-can-drink "Swinging Era Cocktails" for RMB 100, and will keep the bubbles flowing throughout the night.

Weibo: PaulRyding
Twitter: @pjrydo

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