Gifs: Three Awesome Capoeira Moves for Brazil National Day

China is celebrating Brazilian Culture this month and on Brazil National Day (Sep 7) Capoeira Mandinga Beijing is promising to get your sweat dripping as you dance and party with internationally renowned capoeira masters.

Capoeira is a form of martial arts developed mainly by African slaves in Brazil around the 16th century. To keep the art form hidden from their owners, and avoid punishment or execution, the slaves trained under the guise of dancers, performing low, swooping kicks to the groovy rhythms of traditional berimbau music.

Our photographer took some great action shots of Capoiera Mandiga Beijing instructor Morena. We turned these into gifs so you can get an idea of how the moves flow.

Move 1: Au esquisito

A low cartwheel into a bridge position

This explosive mix of kicks, spins and cartwheels has evolved into a legitimate form of self-defense training that is practiced around the world. Capoeira Mandinga Beijing, a non-profit affiliate of the Capoeira Mandinga academy in Oakland, California, is keen on promoting the art form in China as way to introduce Brazilian culture in the country. Students not only get to learn acrobatic moves, but also Brazilian instruments, rhythms, history and language.

Move 2: Au piao de mao

A hand spin

On Brazil National Day the school is flying in some international capoeira big shots for a powerful performance. Fans of the video game Tekken will get to meet the character Eddy Gordo in person: Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha, also founder of Capoeira Mandinga. Others might recognize Mestre Poncianinho, who showed off his moves in Harry Potter and at age 24 is the youngest capoeira master. Finally, hailing from a long family line of capoeira masters, Mestre Calango, will certainly bring up the heat.

Move 3: Macaco empe

A back walkover on one hand starting from a standing position

Star-studded performances aside, the event promises raffles with prizes, cocktails and groovy Brazilian beats from samba DJs. Price is RMB 100 or RMB 60 at the door. See for more details.

Watch: Capoeria Mandinga Beijing in Training

Brazil Passion takes place Sep 7 at Mako Live House.

A version of this article appears in the September 2013 issue of the Beijinger

Photos: Mitchell PE Massilun,