How Much Is Your Girlfriend Worth? A New Chinese Scoring System Tells You

A very helpful Chinese netizen has posted a rubric online that assigns value to various attributes of a good (or bad) girlfriend. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s gone viral. Gentlemen, if you’ve been wondering how much RMB the girl you’re hanging out with is worth, this should make it pretty clear. If she’s got long hair (+150), is gentle and lovely (+100) and is well-behaved towards you but difficult towards everyone else (+200), it’s like money in your pocket. But if she always calls you ugly (–200), can’t do laundry (–200) or has never taken sticker pictures (–200), then you might need to reconsider where this is going ...

Naturally, this little appraisal system is making female eyes roll all across the country, but you gotta admit it provides incredible insight into the Chinese dating scene. has photos of the original list in Chinese and an English translation, but since they’re a little – ahem – difficult to access, we’ve got our own translation below. And we’ve taken the liberty of breaking it into categories for your ease of use:

Looks aren’t everything, but ...
Taller than 160cm, every cm over = +100
Shorter than 160cm, every cm under = –100
Long hair = +150
Weighs over 110 jin, every 10 jin over = –100
Weighs under 100 jin, every 10 jin under = –100
Older than 23, every year over = –100
Puts on makeup the way you like it = +100
Knows how to put on makeup = +100

You will have to live with her, after all
Can cook = +300
Does your laundry = +100
Can’t do laundry = –200
Has pet(s) = +100
Likes pets = +50

Core competencies
Can dance = +100
Can sing = +100
Has failed exams = –100 each
Gives you things she made herself = +100

Insurance is expensive, you know
Nearsighted, every 100 degrees over 300 = –100
Has medical problems = –100 per condition

Relationship history
Every time she’s gotten dumped = –100
Every time she’s dumped someone = +100
Never had a boyfriend = +100

Doesn’t know how to play mahjong = +100
Doesn’t know how to drink = +100
Heavy drinker = –200
Smoker = –200
Takes care of you, won’t let you smoke and drink = +100

Gentle and lovely = +100
Childish and stubborn = –200
Mature = +100
Independent, doesn’t make you buy everything for her = +200

Giving face
Likes to bring you when hanging out with friends = +100
Doesn’t disturb your personal life = +100
Always tells you she misses you = +100
Isn't unreasonable in front of your friends = +100
Well-behaved = +100
Only well-behaved to you, difficult to everyone else = +200

How she actually treats you
Picks a fight every day = –200
Comes to you first after a fight, no matter who’s in the wrong = +100
Will cry over you = +100
Always makes you cry = –100
Wants you to ditch school (work) to be with her = –200
Always bugs you to go shopping = –100
Wants you to talk her to sleep every night = +100
Doesn’t like to laugh when she’s around you = –200
Always calls you ugly = –200

Just plain weird
Has never taken sticker pictures = –200

So, how’d she score?
1500–2500 = Normal
2500–3500 = Excellent
Over 3500 = You’re set for life. Marry her now – or hesitate and lose her forever.

What, dear readers, do you have to say? Will this little system come in handy? Or will you girls out there have none of it? I had my husband score me, and apparently I’m only worth 1,250 kuai. He can’t even trade me for one of those plastic electric scooters. Sucker!



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Hi Elaine,
Interesting posting! Why not score the guys huh? I-m so happy Well, let's see.

long hair- Nope. Chi bang!
smell bad- No,it's important for a guy to smell nice too.
very hairy- No, just average.
small cock- NO! Definitely not..WINNER!
stupid- Nah, I'm an intelligent guy. I can talk about a wide range of topics.
arrogant- No. Pretty humble actually.
full of crap- Absolutely not! I-m so happy
don't know how to treat a lady good- No, I'm a respectful guy towards women. But, of course I expect respect as well.
don't shave- Not even. I shave every day. All finished! Smile

johnonly wrote:
worthless, completely worthless...
What about the stuff "Real Men" care about? I mean seriously, mahjong, likes pets, and makes crap for you? You gotta be kidding... I say we need to westernize that list a little by adding at least the following items...

Gives head? +100

Gives it while your driving or on the phone +500

Really likes it +800

Doesn't like it (icky!) -4000

Is bi +1000

Open to threesomes +2000

Has hot friends that are also into it +2000

Morning roll in the hay (most days) +300

Kinky, and is open minded +400

Stretch marks -200

Shaved +200

Backdoor is open for bussiness +100

Dead lay -1000


worthless, completely worthless...
What about the stuff "Real Men" care about? I mean seriously, mahjong, likes pets, and makes crap for you? You gotta be kidding... I say we need to westernize that list a little by adding at least the following items...

Gives head? +100

Gives it while your driving or on the phone +500

Really likes it +800

Doesn't like it (icky!) -4000

Is bi +1000

Open to threesomes +2000

Has hot friends that are also into it +2000

Morning roll in the hay (most days) +300

Kinky, and is open minded +400

Stretch marks -200

Shaved +200

Backdoor is open for bussiness +100

Dead lay -1000

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