Cultural Identity Crisis? Win Tickets to Modern Hip-Hop Dance Zero Hour

Remember that scene in She’s All That, when Lani (the cute girl they try to disguise as a nerd using a pair of big glasses) does this performance art thing and she and a bunch of little people end up cowed under a dropsheet chanting, “Be silent, be still,” and then Freddie Prinze, Jr. comes onstage and does dramatic poetry with his hacky sack? Yeah, I try not to either.

Luckily, Zero Hour is not that kind of modern dance/multimedia performance. Yes, it explores a young immigrant mother’s cultural identity, but instead of doing it with “weird stuff,” it combines hip-hop, taichi, wushu, modern dance and ballet – a style choreographer Philein Wang has trademarked Tiger Hip-Hop Motion – as its form of expression.

The show has been described as a “beautiful ... focused and vigorous performance” by a critic at the Danceview Times, and Time Out says it displays “ ... staggering level of broad-based talent. Whatever you do, don’t miss her show.”

So, we’ve got a pair of tickets to give away before noon on Friday (that’s tomorrow, you’ve got about 26 hours). Email us at with your answer to this question: Besides tigers, what other animals should have their own hip-hop style? Funniest answer wins.

Please be sure to also include:

- Which show you’d like to catch (Fri 7pm, Sat 7pm or Sun 2pm)
- Your name and telephone number so we can contact you about your tickets.

Event info:

Dec 16-18
Modern Hip-Hop Dance: Zero Hour
RMB 80-150. 7pm (Fri, Sat), 2pm (Sun). Beijing EE City Theatre (10th floor, Joy City Chaoyang)

Good luck!

Photos: Keith Weng Photography