Win Tickets! Dirty Vegas at Yugong Yishan

UK house trio Dirty Vegas hit it big in 2003 with their hit "Days Go By." Then they split up, then they reformed, now they're coming to Yugong Yishan on April 4 (RMB 100, RMB 70 [advance], 9pm). We were pretty sure somebody else would ask them “Are you excited about coming to China?” – so instead we invited them to mull over the bigger questions posed in songs by other artists.

What is love?
A pain, a gift, a kiss, a punch, a weapon, a healer.

What becomes of the broken-hearted?
They heal their wounds and find love again.

Where did you sleep last night?
Under one million stars.

How can you be sure?
By trusting yourself.

Who wants to live forever?
Not me. Too sad seeing loved ones come and go.

Do they owe us a living?
Yes, they do!

How blue can you get?
Depends how cold it is.

Life on Mars?
I certainly hope so. Would be a shame if we’re God’s only experiment.

To win tickets, email telling us: Dirty Vegas' hit "Days Go By" featured in a commercial for which type of car?