Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Ever wondered what it would be like to ride every meter of the Beijing subway in one day? No, me neither – I’m just about ready to kill someone after three stations on line 1. Fortunately this city holds laowai made of sterner stuff than me, and tomorrow (Wednesday, January 26) two Global Times reporters are gong to attempt to cover the entire network in one frantic day-long underground dash. Not only that, they’re going to race each other to the finish line. “It's actually a real-time race between me and a colleague, Chris Hawke, who I plan to destroy,” explains Alex Taggart.
Are they really going to cover every inch of the Beijing subway? Even that funny little Suzhuang line in the southwest that isn’t connected to the rest of the network?
“Yes, we’re planning to travel every single swath of track, including the newly-built ones and the airport line,” says Taggart. "Technically, the rules say that you just have to cover every station on a train that arrives and departs there – not every piece of track – but my route covers it all anyway.”
The “rules” he refers to are those of the “London Tube Challenge,” a set of guidelines for covering the entire London underground network set by Guinness World Records. The current record for the London system is 18 hours and 35 minutes, set in 2004. Beijing’s network – at least as it stands – is considerably more manageable, and Taggart estimates he can complete his journey in ten hours. And his route will “definitely include the Suzhuang line at some point – I’m looking forward to finding out what wonders lie out there.”
After some quick calculations, we concluded Taggart's estimate of ten hours to cover the entire network is a tad ambitious. According to our handy subway ap, the Beijing subway requires 539 minutes - or just under nine hours - of travel time to cover every part of the network. Factoring in the need to backtrack and/or travel between lines, we estimate 12-13 hours as an absolute minimum.
Apart from “destroying his colleague,” Taggart says the subway dash is intended to “bring attention to the fact that for less than the price of a jianbing, it's possible to navigate the whole of Beijing and beyond (336 km of track) in a day, with a good few hours to spare if my calculations are correct. In a taxi, the same journey would be super-slow, cost at least 1,042 kuai (or 297.7 jianbings), and leave Beijing covered in nasty pollution.”
Taggart is being coy about the exact route he’s taking, but he was prepared to say that his planned starting point is “definitely nowhere near where I live, which means getting up at some ridiculous time.” He adds that he’ll be boarding his first train at 5.30am, “At which point an independent adjudicator will start a timer.”
To keep up with all the action, follow Taggart’s journey on twitter: @AlexSTaggart.
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Submitted by Guest on Thu, 01/27/2011 - 15:13 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
any aftermath?
perhaps the pair are now at home fighting off nasty respiratory infections picked up en route?
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 22:16 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Chris Hawke has finished.
No exact times yet but figure somewhere around 16 hrs.
Anyone around Sanlitun can buy him a drink at 1F
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 18:38 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Alex Taggart goes prefers the vague route:
"Looks like it going to be a photo finish. Why is the English announcement on airport xpress so terrible? Hungry, need pizza."
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 18:36 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
40 mins ago from Chris Hawke:
"Predicting a. 945 finish. 15 hours 45 minutes. Like flying home, but better food"
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 18:36 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
40 mins ago from Chris Hawke:
"Predicting a. 945 finish. 15 hours 45 minutes. Like flying home, but better food"
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 18:33 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Predicting a 945 finish. 15 hours 45 minutes. Like flying home, but better food #bjsubwaychallenge @alexstaggart @davidfeng
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 17:14 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Chris Hawke prefers to keep it civil:
"#bjsubwaychallenge what is this incoherent trash talk. Demoralizing an opponent works in sports, but not when following a map!"
but does let on that he's hit over 100 stations
(about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone)
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 15:53 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Tweet from the Beijing PSB microblog says that riot police have been deployed along Hawke's route to prevent a large gaggle of Chinese schoolgirl fans from intercepting their idol and possibly nobbling his race for the crown.
This is way more fun than Boyce live-blogging about eating a sandwich
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 15:45 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
As of 3.42 pm, the Hawke is at 09.49 hours and counting but clearly needs to raise his tweeting game vis a vis ragging on the Boy Taggart and making irreverent commentary on BJ subway life.
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 14:20 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Alex Taggart has filled the day with his colorful tweets, starting with:
*Fellow Batongers, don't hate me because I'm eating a sandwich. Hate me because it has onions and garlic in it. #bjsubwaychallenge about 3 hours ago via web
* Girl next to me on Batong just told she can't go home for CNY. She's crying. Heavy. #bjsubwaychallenge about 2 hours ago via web
* Gave seat to mother&child at Muxidi on way to Pingguoyuan. Now resent mom, child & myself. #worstmistakeever #bjsubwaychallenge about 1 hour ago via web
* Fun thing to do on subway #73. Pretend ur in office building. Knock on doors and announce you'll try again later. Repeat. #bjsubwaychallenge about 1 hour ago via web
*@haoying You're on Line 8?! You're plan is hopelessly flawed. about 1 hour ago via web in reply to haoying
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 14:14 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Chris Hawke was happy to announce:
*At tiantongyuan. Done 69 of 178 stations about 4 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
*#bjsubwaychallenge airport expressway is a sweet ride. Time to crack a book and a boiled egg. 12 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 11:38 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Alex Taggart has finally made an appearance.
"50 fail points to me for not working out Cn Mob data service. Tweeting thru friend. It's on! @haoying #bjsubwaychallenge 21 minutes ago via web"
Along with additional comments that place him on Batong Line
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:32 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Make sure you bring a dictionary to read
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:01 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
keep us posted~!
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 08:00 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
No word from Alex's twitter account this morning but Chris Hawke (@haoying) was off around 6am from Pingguoyuan. 1 1/2 hours to make it to the end of Batong Line
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 19:13 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
The young midfielder should offer a handicap.
Chris Hawke is at least twice his age and will also have to fend off hordes of sex-crazed female strangers throughout his journey.
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 01/25/2011 - 18:32 Permalink
Re: Subway Challenge: All of Beijing in a Day
Just yesterday I opened a word doc and called it "ideas for articles" and put down "ride the whole Beijing subway in a day". I stared at it for a moment then I added "with Chris Eubank".
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