the Beijinger - January 2011: Shape Up!

Happy New Year, Beijingers! There is a reason that overindulgence at this time of year is a cliche and that's because eating and drinking to excess is almost inescapable. With bulging waistlines and New Year's resolutions in mind - both yours and ours - this month the Beijinger brings you an issue devoted to being healthy in Beijing. January's Cover Feature has a focus on the remarkable story of a Beijing resident - our cover star, Tony Nicholson - who changed his life for the better and is now helping others to do the same. We've also thrown in a health-related board game for you to play on those dark nights before the other New Year's fireworks begin. We hope that it gives you food for thought on how to survive our city. Last but not least, we've covered some of the world of TCM with our guide to the Qi cycle. If you ever wondered why you're angry and frustrated at two in the morning it might not be those cheap cocktails ...

Elsewhere, we've the dirty truth about your toilet paper, why it might be killing tigers and what you can do to stop that. We've got the lowdown on low-alcohol wines, what to eat to fight colds, how to make healthy cookies and all you could want to know about the superfood that is soy plus tips on healthy drinking - and yes, we do mean alcohol. We've also had a chat with real ale champion Carl Setzer of Great Leap Brewery, the beer swillers of the Beijing International Hockey League and the brains behind charity-bakers Crazy Bake. Then there's serious business of Together, a "making of" documentary on a film about AIDS, and the altogether-less-serious sex-shop comedy, Red Light Revolution.

Inside the magazine, or in those handy downloadable PDFs if you're so inclined, you'll also find the usual mix of new bars, restaurants and shops plus all of your old favorites like Ich Bin Ein Beijinger and Fashion 5-0. Get a copy of the January issue while you can or download the PDFs here.