Put Some Sugar on My Qi: Sweet Dishes for Spring

According to traditional principles of Chinese medicine, positive/masculine energy (阳气 yang qi) becomes dynamic and vigorous in the springtime. To maintain the proper energy balance, eating sweet dishes is recommended. It is said that this promotes qi movement upwards and outward.

Sweet and Sour Pork Loin 糖醋里脊The southern version of this dish is a sweet and sticky mound of crispy-skinned, lean sticks of juicy pork fillets. The Muslim version of the dish uses beef. RMB 18.
Repenjing. Daily 11am-9pm. 12 Hufang Lu, Xuanwu District. (6303 3248) 热盆景, 宣武区虎坊路12号

Guobaorou 锅包肉 This is the Dongbei version of sweet and sour pork loin. As everything is bigger in China’s northeast, this dish substitutes big pieces of meat for thin sticks. The addition of ginger slivers and coriander further sets it apart. RMB 28.
Daqinghua Dumplings. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9.30pm. 2/F, Bldg 411, Section 4, Kexueyuan Nanli, Datun Lu, Chaoyang District. (6484 5328) 大清花, 朝阳区大屯路科学园南里四区411号楼2楼

Pineapple Pork 菠萝古老肉 This Shandong dish is yet another take on sweet and sour pork. Here the main difference is the substitution of streaky fat pork rather than the lean cut of loin, although some cooks use leaner meat to make it a little healthier. The pineapple oozes with sweet and sour zing. RMB 25.
Guolin Jiachangcai. Daily 10am-9.30pm. 2/F, Xinjiekou Fandian, 44 Xinjiekou Nandajie, Xicheng District. (8328 9672) 郭林, 西城区新街口南大街44号新街口饭店2楼

Sweet and Sour Ribs 糖醋排骨 It is said that all “sweet and sour” cooking can be traced back to Wuxi, Zhejiang. These ribs are probably the most famous Wuxi dish of them all. RMB 39.
Yuebin Fanguan. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9pm. 43 Cuihua Hutong, Dongcheng District. (8511 7853) 悦宾饭馆, 东城区翠花胡同43

Sweet Streaky Pork 甜烧白 Steamed streaky pork, glutinous rice and bean paste comprise this succulent taste of Sichuan. RMB 26.
Meizhou Dongpo. Daily 11am-11pm. 7 Chunxiu Lu, Chaoyang District. (6417 1566) 眉州东坡, 朝阳区春秀路7号

Lychee Pork 荔枝肉 The “lychee” in this dish is actually pork. Some chefs cook this Fujian dish with all lean meat, while others think that using some fat meat creates a more lychee-like look and taste. RMB 38.
Bamin Shifu (Fujian provincial government restaurant). 1/F, Bamin Hotel, 7-provinces Yard, 2 Madianqiao Nanlu, Beisanhua, Haidian District. (8200 5551 ext. 7777) 八闽食府, 海淀区北三环马甸桥南路2号七省大院福建驻京办八闽宾馆1楼

Crystal Sugar Elbows 冰糖肘子 This dish from Jiangsu features sliced pork elbows first roasted, then boiled, then deep fried and finally steamed with rock sugar. RMB 68.
Changzhou Binguan Restaurant. Daily 11am-1.30pm, 5-9pm. 1/F, Bldg 113, Jixiangli, Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District. (6553 5588) 常州宾馆餐厅, 朝阳区朝阳门外大街吉祥里113号楼1楼

Cola Wings 可乐鸡翅 A contemporary homestyle innovation – chicken wings boiled in coke and soy sauce after being fried.
Qigong Jianghu Kaochi. Daily 10.30am-10.30pm. 12 Yinghua Dongjie, Chaoyang District. (6423 5801) 七公江湖烤翅, 朝阳区樱花东街12号

Tastes Like Honey 它似蜜 An imperial Muslim dish dating from the Qing Dynasty. Small chunks of mutton are fried with sweet wheat paste (甜面酱) and sugar, creating a thick, honey-sweet dark red sauce. RMB 36/small size, RMB 54/big.
Kaorouji. Daily 11am-11pm. 14 Qianhai Dongyan, Xicheng District. (6404 2554) 烤肉季, 西城区前海东沿14号

Squirrel Fish 松鼠鱼This elaborate-looking Zhejiang dish – a fried fish sliced and puffed inside out to look like a squirrel – oozes with sweetness. Unlike most squirrels in the wild, it is served bright orange. RMB 168/550g.
Wumingju. Daily 11am-2pm, 5-9.30pm. 32 Zaoying Beili, Maizidian Jie, Chaoyang District. (6502 1568) 无名居, 朝阳区麦子店街枣营北里32号

Pineapple Shrimp 菠萝咕噜虾 Fried shrimp meat balls with pineapple from Zhejiang. RMB 32.
Laohu Dim Sum. Daily 10am-10pm. Nanxinchang Wenhua Jie, 22 Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District. (6409 6620) 津津有味小厨房, 东城区东四十条22号南新仓文化休闲街

Staple Food
Fried Tangyuan 炒汤圆 This Guizhou dish features glutinous rice balls fried with some sour pickled cabbage. RMB 28.
Dagui. Daily 10am-2pm, 5-10pm. 69 Daxing Hutong, Jiaodaokou, Dongcheng District. (6407 1800) 大贵, 东城区交道口大兴胡同69号

Sweet and Sour Youtiao 糖醋油条 These deep-fried fluffy dough sticks cut into small pieces and dressed with sweet and sour sauce are a traditional Sichuan breakfast item.
RMB 18. Feiteng Yuxiang. Daily 11am-2.30pm, 5pm-midnight. Inside Huatongxin Hotel, 1-1 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District. (6417 4988 ) 沸腾鱼乡, 朝阳区工体北路1-1号华通新饭店内