Beijing by Numbers: Housing Prices, Car Sales and the World's Next Great City
Percentage decrease in the average price of housing in Beijing in Sep compared to prices in the previous month. This is the first time in 3 years that Beijing's house prices have witnesses a negative result in month-on-month growth.
For more information about what's going in with Beijing's real estate market see Danwei’s interview with Gary Epstein from Forbes.
Beijing’s ranking on the Wall Street Journal’s list of the World's Next Great Cities.
The list was based on data sourced from the MasterCard Worldwide Emerging Markets Index.
Number of years (plus 2 months) that the New York Time’s Beijing Bureau Chief Jim Yardley worked in Beijing.
The Pulitzer and Grantham Prize winning journalist is now moving to New Delhi to head up the paper’s India desk
Percentage discount on Beijing house prices offered for group buyers
A housing developer in Beijing has offered 25% off on the price of a housing project in Chaoyang district for a 100-people house buyer group, but no deals could be done yet with potential house buyer still holding wait-and-see attitude.
The percentage by which new car sales have jumped in the first few weeks of October
Market analysts are putting the surge in new car sales down to the rumored introduction of a cap on new motor vehicles that we wrote about here.
The percentage of Chinese consumers willing to change their living habits in order to help slow down climate change
According to a survey of 1,000 consumers in Beijing, Shanghai and another 14 Chinese cities, conducted by Beijing Consumer Association and a climate organization.
Number of young Beijingers who signed up for military service over the weekend.
The military have announced that they’re instituting stricter requirements in this year’s winter military recruitment drive and more than 20% of the new recruits are recent college graduates.
Number of infants in Bejing that had been fed with milk powder that failed tests for melamine contamination
Number of tourists who visited Fragrant Hills (Xiang Shan) last Saturday
Number of people who attended the Beijing Book Fair at Ditan park from October 10-20
Number of foreign tourists arriving in China from January to September this year, a decrease of 0.37% year-on-year
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bobby_liu Submitted by Guest on Fri, 10/31/2008 - 12:13 Permalink
Re: Beijing by Numbers: Housing Prices, Car Sales and the ...
shitty biggy city
will never fully internationalized!
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