Images of the Week - Winners of China's 4th International Press Photo Contest
Winner of the Second Prize in the Sports News category by Ke Hao
In the wake of a flurry of fake photo scandals (South China Tiger, The Tibetan Antelope and even the pictures of the moon caught by the Chang'e moon probe), this year's International Press Photo Contest has come under considerable scrutiny. Mainstream media have picked up on blogs that accuse a winner of the award in 2005 (a picture of pigeons in a square being inoculated against bird flu) of being digitally modified - something that goes against the rules of the competition. Two other winners from the 2005 awards were also stripped of their titles. Keep reading below for a selection of some of the winning images from the competition.
Winner of the First Prize in the Sports News category by Zhao Kang
Winner of the First Prize in the Nature and Environment category by Jin Hanjun
Winner of the First Prize in the Economics and Technology category by Hao Xiatian
Links and Sources:
China International Press Photo Contest Official Site
Sina: Gallery of winning photos of the 4th International Press Photo Contest (Chinese)
Sina: List of winners of the 4th International Press Photo Contest (Chinese)
Xinhua: CCTV年度十大新闻图片铜奖作品被指造假[组图]
Eastday: 广场鸽照去年报上发表 网友质问右上角鸽子哪去了
Shanghaiist: This is a Golden Award Winner in the China International Photography Arts Expo 2007...
ESWN: Top 10 News Photo Of The Year Was Faked
ESWN: The South China Tiger Photographs
ESWN: Confessions of Veteran Photojournalists
CHIPP: Two CHIPP awardees stripped of titles
Danwei: Netizens pick apart the Chang'e moon photo